If you are a Namibian Civil Society Organisation, an Academic Institution, a local Business, or an individual with specific expertise, you can become a member of NAFSAN.
UN Agencies, Government Institutions, and International Organisations may join NAFSAN as non-voting ‘Institutional Supporters’.

There are several benefits of joining NAFSAN as a member, while there are also annual membership fees involved, that will help to sustain NAFSAN as a national alliance.
To enable efficient coordination and effective information sharing among our members, we have developed a clear and simple Online Application Process.
During this process, you will be asked for your contact details, areas of work, and to upload a few key documents, including this declaration.
Once your application is complete and submitted, the NAFSAN Secretariat will as soon as possible seek approval from the NAFSAN Board.
Should any application be rejected, reasons for such rejection will be provided upon request, and the final discretion with regard to membership applications ultimately resides with all NAFSAN members at a General Meeting.
NAFSAN offers two types of membership:
for organisations (institutions), as the most common form of membership, and
for individuals, in exceptional cases only.
Institutions can become either “members" (with full voting rights) or “supporters" (non-voting members), as defined in NAFSAN’s Constitution (Sect. 3.2.)
Information on Membership for Organisations
…according to NAFSAN’s Constitution, the following organizational membership options are possible:
3.2.1. Institutional Member
An Institutional Member can be any Namibian non-governmental legal entity, including a company, that is actively working on food security and nutrition and whose work is aligned to NAFSAN’s vision, mission and aims, and which is committed to work with and support NAFSAN. For the purpose of this Constitution, a Namibian state-owned enterprise can be an Institutional Member.
3.2.2. Institutional Supporter
A Government entity, UN agency and other international organization providing technical or financial support, may become an Institutional Supporter. Institutional Supporters may attend General Meetings as supportive non-voting guests. Representatives of Institutional Supporters may serve on the Advisory Council or Advisory Committees.
Membership Fees are determined based on type and size of an organization, on a sliding scale based on own assessment within the appropriate scale. Membership fee is due annually.
In appropriate cases, the Board may grant an exemption, reduction or deferral of payment of membership fees.
For more details, you can read NAFSAN’s Constitution here.
Information on Individual Membership
…according to NAFSAN’s Constitution, there is also the exceptional option for individual membership:
3.2.3. Individual Member
a) Individual Members are the exception within NAFSAN, as the organisation is primarily an umbrella organisation for other organisations and institutions.
b) An individual member can be any natural person who holds a degree in food or consumer science or a related field, and/or has worked extensively on food security or nutrition in line with NAFSAN’s Vision, Mission and Aims, and whose individual membership would add significant value to NAFSAN and its work.
c) In order to become an individual member, interested individuals need to apply in writing, including a motivational letter, two reference letters, as well as certified copies of all relevant documents, such as ID and academic qualifications. Additional interviews may also be required. The Board then has to approve an individual membership, with at least two third of all Board members having to be in favour of the respective applicant for individual membership.
d) An individual who works for an Institutional Member or Institutional Supporter may become an Individual Member in his or her personal capacity.
Membership Fees are determined on a case-by-case basis, and they are due annually. In appropriate cases, the Board may grant an exemption, reduction or deferral of payment of such fees.
For more details,
you can read NAFSAN’s Constitution here.